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- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2023/04/10 08:32:07
aprile 10 ☀︎ 22/2℃9779歩
The Old Town (Scots: Auld Toun) UKhe name popularly given to the oldest part of Scotland's capi...
aprile 10 ☀︎ 22/2℃9779歩
The Old Town (Scots: Auld Toun) UKhe name popularly given to the oldest part of Scotland's capi...
aprile 9 Pascha 13/2
Tower of London, UKofficially His Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London, is a historic...
aprile 8 ☀︎ 19/8℃21112歩
La vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror andorra catalala capital del Principat d'Andorra i forma una ...
aprile 7 venerdi ☁︎/☔︎ 21/14℃9889歩
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres) France
un édifice catholique située au ...
aprile 6 ☁︎ 21/8℃16661歩
Dies Cenae Domini est dies Iovis ante pascham. Alia nomina Latina sunt dies absolutionis seu dies ind...