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- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2023/04/15 16:40:58
aprile 15 sabato ☁︎☔︎ 15/12℃7887歩
Vtnajökull (fyrrum nefndur Klofajökull icelander þíðjökull...
aprile 15 sabato ☁︎☔︎ 15/12℃7887歩
Vtnajökull (fyrrum nefndur Klofajökull icelander þíðjökull...
aprile 14 venerdi ☀︎☁︎ 24/9℃15651歩
Canterbury Cathedral UKchristianity in Britain is referred to by Tertullian as early as 208 ADOrigen...
aprile 13 giovedi 21/7j-arato 8:00am missile drop! evacuate immdiatly pls
city of bath UKBuildings from Bath's pre-Norman period either no long...
aprile 12 mercoledi ☁︎☔︎ 23/11℃太極拳9797歩
Stonehenge UKa prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, Englan...
aprile 11 martedi ☀︎ 26/7℃12321歩
The Palace of Westminster UKserves as the meeting place for both the House of Commons ...