2nd day alone...
- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2010/06/04 17:31:58
its a 2nd day without my family again hope i may not bored..happy trip to my family ^^)/
this blog contains my art
its a 2nd day without my family again hope i may not bored..happy trip to my family ^^)/
sorry guys, i was soo emotional...i'll be alone in 5 days in my house...while my mom and my father with my two cute little cousins leaves me...
my friend is having a wedding in tinierme ww but i wasn't there.. soo bad T.T i was on the other server.. and its too lag... nicotto is better ^^)7
i love playing tennis, it makes me younger and younger until i become a baby ones www but mostly the interesting part of the game is the winning!!!! y...
it's sooo cute.. i found a snail XD