Im so SAD, a LOner TT^TT
- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2010/08/07 15:17:26
the singing practice was cancelled, and I'm not..... TT^TT I'm not going to sing this mondayI dont know what to do, why? why is this happening to me T...
this blog contains my art
the singing practice was cancelled, and I'm not..... TT^TT I'm not going to sing this mondayI dont know what to do, why? why is this happening to me T...
yohohohohoho!!! i count until four counts!!! and then i click the lantern or every vicinity above! :)
There's a time which you can say,There's a time which you can have,There's a time which you can live,but no living i don't know, i think of giving up ...
alright!!! we watch movie every month wwww sometimes, well i got more video downloads from lime wire!!! HURRAY!!
i have "the last air bender...