Did you know?
- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2010/10/27 13:12:10
That the most important ingredient of love is to trust?????????
but some people don't trust me, but I trust them.
this blog contains my art
That the most important ingredient of love is to trust?????????
but some people don't trust me, but I trust them.
I got another face graffiti!!!!!! Im so lucky >.<
song loves graffiti awooooooooooooooo!!!!!
FACE MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!
new nicogacha!!! and It is very hard to get those items, I always got gacha ticket, i thought that ticket could be use in P coin gacha www and I reall...
looking at the back ( searching for empty room ) whoa! here it is, grab my cookies, *nipple bite* (eyes turned - guarding as well w) no one is wa...