- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2020/06/10 10:54:39
One hand was clasped tightly around a piece of paper which said:
"Captain Georg von Trapp, Villa Trapp, Aigen ...
One hand was clasped tightly around a piece of paper which said:
"Captain Georg von Trapp, Villa Trapp, Aigen ...
The motherly woman was very near now, her arms around my shoulders, which were shaking with sobs.
"Your headaches, you know, ar...
Near this window there was a large desk, from which rose a delicate,small figure, wearing a golden cross on a golden chain around her neck.
For a moment I had to pause and glance again over the grey,eighth-century cloister wall
before I ascended the spiral stairway leading
to the q...
I had just finished the State Teachers' Course for Progressive
Education in Vienna and had to get my diploma before the heavy
doors of the...