- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2020/06/11 13:31:29
Where I was to go—for heaven's sake—I had to reach the bus; and down I went the hundred and forty-four steps,
two at a ...
Where I was to go—for heaven's sake—I had to reach the bus; and down I went the hundred and forty-four steps,
two at a ...
When I stepped from the cool archway into the centuries-old graveyard,my eyes, half-blinded by tears and the bright sunshine, fell upon the ...
スペイン語 6月11日(木)投稿分
【前回の学習】 6月4日(木)
Juan : Hiromi, ¿de dónde eres?
My heart ached when I had to bid farewell to the other threeyoung
candidates with whom I had shared the big, lofty room overlooking
the gr...
I could see that Frau Rafaela felt embarrassed.
She looked a little helplessly at the clothes on her arm, which had belonged to another novi...