269番:サウンド オブ ミュージック(20)
- カテゴリ: 日記
- 2020/06/15 16:43:23
" Hedwig is already a big schoolgirl,"
and the father pointed to the third of the younger ones.
All t...
" Hedwig is already a big schoolgirl,"
and the father pointed to the third of the younger ones.
All t...
【84】For an instant we started each other in utter amazement.
I had never seen such perfect little ladies and gentleman,
and they had never...
Nous étions pourtant depuis dix ans dans ce pays lorsque Meaulnes arriva.
J'avais quinze ans. C' était un froid dimanch...
アン : C'est très joli chez toi!
セ トレ ジョリ シェ トワ!
ソフィー: Tu trouves?
トュ トゥルーヴ?
But the Captain's eyes rested on my shoes.
We were still sts...