- カテゴリ: ゲゲゲの鬼太郎コラボ
- 2017/10/31 13:36:24
According to the Google translation, it says if I write a blog about this I'll get a shirt ^^
It's all in English^^
【 全ては英語で(^-^; 】
According to the Google translation, it says if I write a blog about this I'll get a shirt ^^
Well, I gotta say it's fun here in Nicotto Town.
It's a little bit hard trying to understand some Japanese context but I am learning. And I have no id...
初めましてminachanです(*^^)vあたし外国人なのであんまり日本語が話せません、なので日本語を教えてくれる優しい方がいれば教えて貰って欲しいですm(_ _)m
Hello I am Mina chan!
You could ...