Nicotto Town



An English trailer for When Marnie Was There has been released!

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie, since I like Ghibli! ^^ It looks interesting!

2015/05/04 20:07
おもいでの マニーは  " When Marnie Was There"と ほんやく されたの です ね。
omoide no norniewa " When Marnie Was There"to honyaku saretano desu ne
せんもんかの ほんやくと いえ すばらしい ほんやく だと おもい ます。
senmonkano honyakuto ie subarashii honyaku dato omoi masu
ぼくは、その さくひんを しらべました  が、まだ れんたるばんは ない です。
bokuwa sono sakuhinnwo shirabemashita ga mada rentarubanwa nai dwsu
ひまつぶしに、 "てんのうの りょうりばん"を みて います。
himatsubushini "tennouno ryouriban"wo mite imasu
それは かぞくの あいが あふける さくひん です。
sorewa kazokuno aiga afureru sakuhin desu
ほんやくが ない のが ざんねん です。
honyakuga nai noga zannen desu

See ya!
2015/05/04 20:03
Hello Ana chan
"Marnie of the memory" was translated into English as " When Marnie Was There", don't you?. I think that it is splendid translation even if it made translated by the expert. I checked it, but there was not the rental version yet. I'm watching "chef of the Emperor of the TV drama" to kill time. It is the work which overflowed of the family love. It is slightly sad that there is not a translation version.

See ya!
2015/05/02 19:47
Hello Ana chan!

It is consecutive holidays from today to Wednesday. Because I had time, I couldn't find "Mannie of the memory" though I went to borrow a rental video today. Slightly disappointed.

きょう から、すいようび まで れんきゅう です。わたしは、じかんが あったので
kyou kara 、 suiyoubi made  renkyu desu。 watashiha 、 jikanga attanode
れんたるびでおを かりに いった けど おもいでのまにーを みつける ことは 
rentarubideowo   karini itta kedo omoideno Maniwo mitsukeru kotoha
できません で した。
dekimasen de shita。

See ya!
2015/05/01 17:58
Oh! Is it true!!!!!?
えっ! まじで!!!!!!?

But I think but that's useless legally...

Is that only Japan?


↓ Are you doing the practice which speaks Japanese recently?
2015/04/30 19:05
Hello Ana chan!

There are lot of national holidays from this week to the next week in Japan. We call it Golden Week.

にほん では こんしゅう から らいしゅうに かけて、おおくの さいじつが あり ます。
nihon dewa konshuu kara raishuni   kakete, ookuno saijitsuga ari masu
わたしたちは、 それを  ごーるでんうぃーくと よんで い ます。
watashitachiwa  sorewo  go-rudenui-kuto   yonde i masu 
Many people go for a trip for spring sunlight during Golden Week. Therefore road, railroad, hotel, all is crowded.

おおくの ひとびとが、ごーるでんうぃーくの あいだに りょこうに でかけ ます。
ookuno  hitobitoga,  go-rudenui-kuno   aidani  ryokouni  dekake masu
そのため どうろ、てつどう、ほてる すべてが こんざつ  します。
sonotame douro, tetsudou, foteru subetega konzatsu shimasu。

It's crowded, too much, so I take a rest in a house.

あまり にも こんざつ する ので、 ぼくは、いえで やすみ ます。
amari nimo konzatsu suru node, bokuwa iede yasumi masu。

See ya!
2015/04/29 12:48
Yeah, very very far...
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I don't see the Wolf Children too...・゜・(ノД`)・゜・

2015/04/28 17:40
It's because it takes 3 hours from my house to the movie theater.
I'd like to see, but it can't be seen....

Did you see the WOLF CHILDREN?

The stage is the area where I live.

2015/04/28 11:05
Oh, I haven't seen this film yet, I like Ghibli, though.
So all the Ghibli movies you saw are English?

I went on a trip to Sado Island over the weekends and saw good old scenery of Japan. It's like one you can see in thise movie!
I also enjoyed fishing, and drumming. I fished a cod weighed 12 kilograms!!!

Enjoy the movie~!^^
2015/04/26 10:47
I can't saw When Marnie Was There... :'(

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