Hello ♥ dear friend...
I invite you to my night girls party
it will be on sunday 8 july at 3 am
I will be glad if you come and if you
didnt come I understand you its okay
just smile...
..▓▓....▓▓..............▓......▓▓......▓▓ Girls night party-your smile is sweet like your true heart is♥♥♥
If what you see by the eyes dosent
please you,then close your eyes and
see from you heart Because The heart can
see beauty and love more the eyes can
ever wonder.
let your heart open with a sweet things that makes you smile
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No matter how hard life is sometimes, you have to keep breathing... The sun
will rise again tomorrow and who knows what the tide will bring...
................(¯`'•(¯'•...((.)..(. ‘ /)
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((........) \\.................) \...........\|/
I invite you to my night girls party
it will be on sunday 8 july at 3 am
I will be glad if you come and if you
didnt come I understand you its okay
just smile...
..▓▓....▓▓..............▓......▓▓......▓▓ Girls night party-your smile is sweet like your true heart is♥♥♥
If what you see by the eyes dosent
please you,then close your eyes and
see from you heart Because The heart can
see beauty and love more the eyes can
ever wonder.
::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...::::::::::::::
*: (=' :') :: your sweet friend pinky :::::::::::::::::::::
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...:::::::::::
I am thinking of a party for girls only
and I want you to come so let me know
when is your free time?
╔═══╗ ♪ girls party
║███║ ♫
║ (●) ♫
せか恋&純ロマでなりちゃですっ![10人限定] よろしくお願いします。
Love is like playing the piano
First you must learn to play by the rules
then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.
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