- カテゴリ:日記
- 2012/04/21 19:43:50
春らしく かわいかったので
白い屋根の お花付き お家にしました^^
ピンクのスイートピー はじめて おっきくなりました~♪
So cute house that white roof and some flowers.
I got it yesterday.
And today I had the first MEGA Pink sweet pea♪
春らしく かわいかったので
白い屋根の お花付き お家にしました^^
ピンクのスイートピー はじめて おっきくなりました~♪
So cute house that white roof and some flowers.
I got it yesterday.
And today I had the first MEGA Pink sweet pea♪
always be happy if you happy you are make Everyone around you happy
Hope have a sooooo wonderfrul time at your Party :))
i am so sorry but i write the time wrong , the time is 20:00 japans time
i will be happy if you come in Thursday 10 / 5 / 2012
thank you ...
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I invite you to attend the party on Thursday in my room at 15 : 00 in evening
if you come i will be happy because i complete one year in this play
thank you ヽ| ´∀` |ノ
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Thank you for your comment :))
I love Them ♪
Have a nice day ☆彡
They look so sweet.