(archive) st.mary bingo
- カテゴリ:日記
- 2010/10/22 21:03:36
st.mary bingo SUCKS
today i went to bingo at st mary and then i ALMOST got bingo but then those F***kING people didnt say my number and so we start crushing cans (cocacola)! I WILL NEVER GO TO THAT S***Y F***KING B****H PLACE EVER AGAIN.MWU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(sorry, i was just too angry and hated that place. this is not the real me im a very kind and generous person that respects people. the total opposite of what i just said.)

- 2010/10/26 15:30
- no.........
- 違反申告

- ♡めぃ♡
- 2010/10/24 12:20
- did u see or hear some one say, shon, codey, or masa? hehe//
- 違反申告