(archive) excited
- カテゴリ:日記
- 2010/09/19 12:04:22
im soooooo excited to go to christys house tommorow!!!!!!!!!!i get to see her doggy called nini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute
- ♡めぃ♡
- 2010/09/20 10:13
- …hi ya-hsin^^ hi moni
- 違反申告
- ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧
- 2010/09/19 14:49
- I cleared everything for u, so check your item box. There will be the dress and shoes I'm wearing now. By the way, u didn't know who gave you the present is because it's all marks right? That's because I changed my name!^^
- 違反申告