Nicotto Town

blog post - html etc.

this is O_O

somebody asked me that... do i love him as a man...
and i was O_O
i can't understand... and i just simple answered
"i love all people around me"

www also he didn't understood what am saying.. so he just
leave without nothing to say www
so weird >__>


2010/05/29 15:33
@ kei: hehehehe.. thanks ^^
2010/05/28 18:39
Hello ;-)

I support's opinion.
don't woory, your comment is very suitable for the situation.
2010/05/28 15:56
@ ama: wwww yup... ^^
2010/05/28 15:55
uhuh... actually i asked him about what he says... but he just ignore me www
yeah!!! i love all people here too including you ^^
2010/05/28 13:29
wwwwww. You were very surprised?

They are not so good at English as I said before.
And, they are not similarly good at communications.
To our regret, they are not good at communications even in case of Japanese.

Perhaps, they want only to contract 'Nico Kano'(girl friends in Nicotto) by someone.
They seem to want to talk only with the friend.
Or, they want to enjoy pseudolove in Nicotto town.
Therefore, the meaning is not understood even if you say "I love all people around me".

Don't worry, Song.
I also love all people around me as much as you.
There are a lot of people who think as much as us.

p.s. it holds out though you seems to be busy. :D

2010/05/28 12:37

You pulled apart him very well .... hehehe

Good job. :D

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