( ●(エ)● ) THE TEA ^
- カテゴリ:グルメ
- 2008/10/22 00:33:31
(๑→ܫ←) I like drinking tea ^^
Black tea , Grean tea , chrysanthemum tea , oolong tea , pu-erh tea . . .
I drink tea every day ~ The tea is beneficial to the body (o゚ω゚o) /
Nice to meet you ~ My new friend ^^~
But I always drink coffee in my office, not a tea.
Why? Because,it easy to make.
I read your self-introduction which suggest that I can see your PICS,but not.
I disappointed to see the PICS of Nicttto town instead of yours.
But its not bad,because I can see your lovely picture in your avatar.
I applied for a friend of you. I hope you will accept it.
But,I must apologize you that I can't read your name.
Please tell me how to read your name.
こはる (Coharu)
嗯嗯 ok
一天 ( 24 時 ) 發一篇 = 100 COIN 你可以一天寫很多篇日記壓 ~
但一天發第2篇起 就沒扣扣惹優 ^^~ 等晚上11點過後 再發一篇新的 ~
" 一天一回 " 日12點 = 台11點 剛好一個小時之差 ^^~
之後我假日時 會寫如何快速賺扣扣ㄝ方法 ^^~
對呀 好像10元的樣子 我也不知道
我想知道還有哪些方法賺錢錢的 ?!
要不然發日記1篇100元 太少
對呀 限定版得都超貴的 我以為只有我這樣覺得
我問你唷? 一天只能發一篇日記而已嗎?!
對呀 好像10元的樣子 我也不知道
我想知道還有哪些方法賺錢錢的 ?!
要不然發日記1篇100元 太少
對呀 限定版得都超貴的 我以為只有我這樣覺得
我問你唷? 一天只能發一篇日記而已嗎?!
我在假日有空閒時 會寫一篇如何賺這遊戲ㄝ扣扣之日記 ~
由於平常上課 打工 做家事 ~ 太忙惹 沒啥時間詳細的打 . . .
也因此 這假日才會打優 ^^~
只不過是去留言跟回訪一下而已 ^^
若有人來你家或留言的話 會有 " 收入 " 優 ^^
)) 請按 " コイン通帳 " 那個地方 會顯示最近收入 - 扣扣ㄝ來源 ~
我是固定1天200元左右 )) 僅訪問數 . . . 其他的收入還有 . . . 粉多啦 ^
若你還想知道有什麼方法 口以賺這遊戲的扣扣滴話 ~
可以問我 我會立刻回覆告訴妳的 ^^ )) 看無日文 摸出來的 XD
賺粉多扣扣 以日後買限定版的東西 )) 限定的 都粉貴說 = ="
Well . . . 菊茶(きくちゃ)= mum ^^~
我只知道 有人回應的話 會有東西出來 ' 1件"
呵呵 不會啦 有意見比較好^^
哈 跟我一樣都看的很開0.0
What kind of fragrance does it?
What kind of taste does it?
我從小過敏到大 = =" 真的覺的過敏好痛苦 ~ 算惹 ~ 都給它看開一點唄 ~
To ひろちゃん : " PICS " is my Photo album )) in Taiwan ~
我鼻子也過敏 和身體 吃蝦子也會 和藥物過敏
妳還是少喝酒 喝酒對身體不好^^
你也是 希望過敏的人都能快好
現在的社會太現實了 不能不防備
而且有時候太好心了 反而害到自己
嗯嗯 對呀 自私是不好的
I like Oolong tea very much and I've been big fan of chainase tea
mostly pu-erh tea that smell is wonderful ! I also like English tea with milk so much,
Hope you understand my English and enjoy Nicotto Town,
P/S I've had seen your PICS that is this how to registerd Nicotto Town isn' t it ?
Tea is good for a body
What is chrysanthemum tea?
The milk tea is becoming empty to me most. ^^
Wow ^^ Really ~ > /// <
By the way ~ "ume tangle tea" is beneficial to the body ,too ^^~
To なちゅ☆ :
Hummmm . . . Me too ~ Tea is very and tasty ^^/
very tasty! >w<
Well , Do you like tea ?? (・ˍ・?)
I am sorry for the translation's differing.
Please forgive me though it is likely not to make to good because it is a
translation on the net. (^ ^;)ゞ
so please tea ( ^-^)_旦""